For more details, click here or see Geoff's earlier post on abstract submissions for the conference.
Update: My bad: there are two conferences, not one. Here's Tassos Kaburakis:
Hi Mike and everyone. Quick clarification, as there's a lot going on in our field and in Istanbul this year:
Matt Mitten, Jim Nafziger, and other good colleagues will be speaking in the May 13-14 international sports law symposium hosted by the Istanbul University Comparative Law Center and the Turkish National Committee of the International Association of Legal Science. For convenience, here is the May program: http://www.kaburakis.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/program-1.pdf
The broader scope and more involved/open to participation International Sport Law & Business Conference (ISLBC) we are organizing with our Turkish colleagues is set for September, and a new Call is available through the website: http://istanbul2010.islbc.org/
I have been truly amazed by the interest and the quality level as the weeks evolve, and so far we have had many esteemed colleagues from the US, Europe, and beyond submit abstracts and express their desire to attend. Over April and May we will progressively announce conference presenters and keynote panelists. The sneak preview is that the latter have been key in ADR, CAS, US/International sport governance, and shaping legal theory, research, and strategy over the past 30+ years. With everything Istanbul offers this year and especially in September, one needs to seriously consider this opportunity. Keep checking the website for more ISLBC updates and September events news. More soon. Keep enjoying good work and a fantastic spring season.
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