When I read internet sports betting forums, I am continually amazed at how many people there are looking for the magic system that will make them rich. Sadly, I know that each and every one of them are losers.
Instead of trying to find the way around the game and win with trickery, you would be far better off if you would understand the one law in sports betting. Most people not only have no idea of what that law is, they don't even know there is a gambling law.
It affects all of gambling, not just sports betting. The casinos use the law to their advantage in every game they offer. They don't care how you do because that law operates to guarantee them a profit whether you win a fortune, or lose one.
What is the one law that affects all gambling?
Whoever controls the rules and odds controls the outcome, and makes the money.
It really is that simple. But how does that apply to sports betting?
Most people assume the books are in control. After all, they make all the money. But they don't make it because they are in control. They make it because YOU are not in control.
Therein lies the key to winning money betting on spots. Make the law work in your favor by seizing control of the odds and rules under which you play. You do that by betting on the right situations using the right wagering strategy.
You do not need to sidestep the law of sports betting. Instead, become the controller of the game and use the law to your benefit. It is what the casinos do every day, and what the books would do if they could. But since they cannot, they just have to count on your not understanding the game and why you can win at sports betting in the first place.
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