
Monday, October 19, 2009

New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship includes:
Phyllis Coleman, Note to athletes, NFL, and NBA: dog fighting is a crime, not a sport, 3 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL LAW AND ETHICS 85 (2009)

Helmut M. Dietl et al., Governance of professional sports leagues--cooperatives versus contracts, 29 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 127 (2009)

Marc Edelman and Elizabeth Masterson, Could the new Women’s Professional Soccer League survive in America? How adopting a traditional legal structure may save more than just a game, 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 283 (2009)

David Fintz, Note, The women’s right to participate in the game of baseball, 15 CARDOZO JOURNAL OF LAW & GENDER 641 (2009)

Geoffrey T. Hancock, Note, Upstaging U.S. gaming law: the potential fantasy sports quagmire and the reality of U.S. gaming law, 31 THOMAS JEFFERSON LAW REVIEW 317 (2009)

James Blake Hike, Note, An athlete’s right to privacy regarding sport-related injuries: HIPPA and the creation of the mysterious injury, 6 INDIANA HEALTH LAW REVIEW 47 (2009)

A. Kaburakis et al., NCAA Student-Athletes’ Rights of Publicity, EA Sports, and the video-game industry, 27 ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTS LAWYER 1 (2009)

Lewis Kurlantzick, The tampering prohibition and agreements between American and foreign sports leagues, 32 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF LAW & ARTS 271 (2009)

Brett Edwin LoVellette, Comment, “Mortal [K]ombat in cleats”: an examination of the effectiveness of the National Football League’s disability plan and its impact on retired players, 36 PEPPERDINE LAW REVIEW 1101 (2009)

Panel I: Constructing and Operating Sports and Entertainment Facilities )(Jason Hadley, panel moderator; Mark Stefanacci, Andrew Lee, Philip Weinberg and Michael Rowe, panelists), 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 382 (2009)

Panel II: Health of Professional Athletes and Obligations to Perform (John Kettle, moderator; Roger Abrams, Michael Weiner, Andrew Bondarowicz and Leonard Marshall, panelists), 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 425 (2009)

Panel III: Entertainers’ and Athletes’ Conduct Unrelated to Their Employment (Scott Shagin, moderator; Fernando M. Pinguelo, Richard T. Karcher, Marc Edelman and Anthony Caruso, panelists), 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 479 (2009)

Fernando M. Pinguelo & Timothy D. Cedrone, Morals? Who cares about morals? An examination of morals clauses in talent contracts and what talent needs to know!, 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 347 (2009)

Michael E. Plantinga, An amended doctrine that will silence the NFL: the demise of the existing fair use doctrine as it relates to uses of digital sports entertainment media, 14 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY LAW & POLICY 51 (2009)

Andre L. Smith, Do NFL “signing bonuses” carry a substantial risk of forfeiture within the meaning of Section 83 of the Internal Revenue Code?, 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 311 (2009)

Jeffrey Vanderbeek, Key Note Address, 19 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 466 (2009)


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