Patrick S. Baldwin, Note, Keeping them down on the farm: the possibility of a class action by former minor league baseball players against Major League Baseball for allowing steroid abuse, 43 GEORGIA LAW REVIEW 1195 (2009)
Chris Deubert & Glenn M. Wong, Understanding the Evolution of Signing Bonuses and Guaranteed Money in the National Football League: Preparing for the 2011 Collective Bargaining Negotiations, 16 UCLA ENTERTAINMENT LAW REVIEW 179 (2009)
Ted Fay & Eli Wolff, Disability in sport in the twenty-first century: creating a new sport opportunity spectrum, 27 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 231 (2009)
Joshua L. Friedman & Gary C. Norman, The Paralympics: yet another missed opportunity for social integration, 27 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 345 (2009)
Janet E. Lord & Michael Ashley Stein, Social rights and the relational value of the rights to participate in sport, recreation, and play, 27 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 249 (2009)
Terri Lakowski, Athletes with disabilities in school sports: a critical assessment of the state of sports opportunities for students with disabilities. 27 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 283 (2009)
David McArdle, Using the Americans with Disabilities Act to inform “access to sporting venues” under the Disabilities Convention, 27 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 317 (2009)
Blair H. Moses, Comment, Eligibility of athletes receiving necessary gene therapy: the Oscar Pistorius case as procedural precedent, 49 JURIMETRICS JOURNAL 343 (2009)
Katherine Sulentic, Comment, Running backs, recruiting, and remedies: college football coaches, recruits, and the torts of negligent and fraudulent misrepresentation, 14 ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 127 (2009)
Patricia J. Zettler, Is it cheating to use Cheetahs?: the implications of technologically innovative prostheses for sports values and rules, 27 BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 367 (2009)
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