This case is generating a great deal of attention. Here are a variety of commentaries from different perspectives:
- David Moltz, Inside Higher Ed, The Right Profile (Moltz interviews Sonny Vaccaro and Duke law professor Paul Haagen)
- William C. Rhoden, New York Times, A Lasting Image: Standing Up to the NCAA (Rhoden interviews Richard Southall of the College Sport Research Institute -- Richard has guest blogged here before and we've talked his important work)
- Pete Thamel, New York Times, O'Bannon v. NCAA
- Tim Lemke, Washington Times, O'Bannon Files Suit vs. NCAA
- Chris Herring (an attorney), Wall Street Journal, NCAA Hit With Another Suit Over Licensing Issue
- Kevin Arovitz, ESPN True Hoop, O'Bannon v. NCAA
- Darren Rovell, CNBC, NCAA Put on Defensive with Another Lawsuit
- Tom Magrino, GameSpot, NCAA Hit with New Sports-Sim Likenesses Suit
- Tommy Craggs, Deadspin, Tall Car Salesman Poised to become the "Curt Flood of College Sports"
- UCLA Bruins Nation, Back in the Spotlight: Eddie O's Leading the Charge Against NCAA
- Rush the Court, Why Ed O'Bannon is Our New Favorite Likeness
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